한국임상치위생학회지는 한국치위생감염관리학회의 공식 학술지이며, 임상치과위생사와 관련 연구자의 연구성과를 폭 넓게 공유하기 위하여 임상치위생학 전반의 연구분야를 포괄적으로 다룬다.
본 학회지의 연구 및 출판윤리에 관한 정책은 한국임상치위생학회지 연구윤리 규정에 따르며, 그 이외에 연구윤리와 관련되는 사항에 대한 심사 및 처리절차는 국제표준 출판윤리 규정(을 적용한다.
Korean Journal of Clinical Dental Hygiene(KJCDH) is the official journal of the Korean Society of Infection Control and Prevention in Dental Hygiene.
KJCDH is a peer-reviewed, research journal devoted to publication of a wide range of research that will inform the practice of dental hygiene. This journal is published 3 times per year (March, June, and September). Full texts both in XML and PDF are freely available from Open access will be available from 2013 issue (Vol.1, No.1).
All manuscripts must be submitted online through the KJCDH e-submission system. Other correspondences can be sent to the Korean Journal of Clinical Dental Hygien Editorial Office.
Instructions to Authors are printed in each issue of this journal. Please conform to these instructions when submitting manuscripts. All correspondence regarding submission of papers should be addressed to Editorial Office of the journal. For the subscription of the print copies, please contact Korean Society of Infection Control and Prevention in Dental Hygiene. Full text PDF files are also available at the official website ( Some, or all, of the articles in this journal are indexed in DOI/CrossRef.